1. Adopt any USM invention from Galeri Penyelidikan USM.
2. Design a Survival Kit from the invention/s, to go on to the IBU.
3. Show how your design may used by IBU during disaster-time.
4. Upload on to your website.
Issued 3 Sep, Due 10 Sep 2010, 12:00 NOON.
(copyright from RUS 101 website)
The invention that I been chosen from the Galeri Penyelidikan USM is Aqua Marine Video Enhancement Tool (Aqua Video T), 2007. I'm going to design and install this high-tech functional tool into survival kit, to go on to the IBU. Below are some sketches and description of my invention in survival kit and IBU.
Aqua Marine Video Enhancement Tool (Aqua Video T) is wide in application, which is not limited to aqua marine video only, but also able to perform a similar accession for general video. We can imagine that, when disaster 2012, the land is flooded by water. The connection and links between kit with kit, and kit with IBU are only depend on the computer(image unseen able) and video(image seen able). So, the higher and clearer visibility of video and picture is very critical and necessarities for connection and communication between each and other.
This is the design in KIT control room.
*can see the under sea view, avoid the base of KIT from collision with stone, rocks,reefs,
which is unseen from normal view.
For installation Aqua Video T in KIT, the importance is the rest kits that floating on sea can be seen clearly as well by the KIT control room. This is important for connection and communication between kit and kit. When floating, the view and image seen is unstable and blur, so Aqua Video T is able to enchance and improve this situation.
Next, the kit inside view is also critical. High visibility of view enable the users observed and understand all the operation inside the kit. So, any damages and accidents happens can be prevent and treat at once.
Besides, KIT can also view and search the undersea world clearly. Depend on the unsupervised video correction technique, the higher visibility and picture can be produced. This is benefit either for KITS or IBU, to avoid collision with rock and reef under the sea, which is unable to see clearly from the general video.
the high visibility enable for counting the accurate distance
For the view of marine, the additional function included research for some benthic or organisms or flora fauna which founded in undersea, and this is critical for later developement and re-built.
Next, for searching the landing, as IBU can only sastain for 40days and nights of battering, in order to avoid sink or flood, must find a land for landing for KIT and IBU.
Next, I'm going to show how my design may used by IBU during disaster time. Below are some sketches and explain of the way of using.
When the image or video is seen unclearly, users just need to click the only button, the Aqua Marine Video T
input video > decorder > selection > encorder > enhanced video (sound as well)
*select either correction of picture/video or sound, click the touch button
*it is a bit blur in visibility
*picture, video or sound will be correct automatically (image can be seen clearer)
A: Geodesic Survival Kit, the IBU
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